Saturday, February 3, 2007


So here we have it folks. A cure for a consequence of sin. Hallalujah. Lets go out and sin. Please read the sarcasm in this lines. Im so burdened by this new vaccine. My little girls will be opting out of it. HPV is a STD. How do you get an STD? You have sex outside of God's divine plan. How can I tell my children that when they sin there are consequences and then innoculate them against the consequences? Do I want my children to get cancer and die?! NO! But there is no innoculation for luekimia one of the leading childhood cancers. Why are we not focusing on trying to cure that cancer first? I will tell you my opinion. I think that "we" have to cure all STDs so that everyone can live free and happy. Fine. Innoculate against HPV there will be something else. God does not allow us to do as we please while He sits back and laughs at our jolly time. That thinking is dangerous. Here is an interesting article on the phamacutical group Merck and the HPV vaccine. No offense but in this day and age its harder and harder to trust big business and essentially in my opinion thats all Merck is, big business. HPV and Merck
Of course the governor of Texas thinks that all children should have this vaccine. He does not really care about legislature or parents thoughts and view points. Nice job, Governor Perry. Here is an article about that :Texas
Alot of this leads to a disturbing trend in lack of parental rights. We are not allowed to decide what is best for our children, the government knows them so much better than we do. I am opting out of quiet a few immunizations for my children. I have researched and feel pretty confident in the decisions we are making as a family.
As I read about the anti spanking laws being purposed in California:California's new attack on parental rights and now this complete disregard for parents wishes in Texas, I cringe. Its only a matter of time before we as parents have no rights at all.
Even if I was against spanking I would be scared of this attack by California. Its just a gateway to losing other rights that we as parents hold.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Be Blessed!

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