Saturday, June 2, 2007

Rainy Day

Today is a rainy day on the homefront. We really really needed the rain here so its a huge blessing. Its a nice rain. Not stormy, just steady. I love stormy when its at night and Im curled up under the covers. I love rainy any other time.
Hubby has gone off for a time of fellowship with some of the men from church. Tonight I will be going to dinner with my mom and a few other friends.
The children are playing with their dress up clothes and baby dolls. There is much laughter and ooohhhing and aaahhhing as they dress in different outfits.
The baby is napping as he has some more teethe coming in and is plum tuckered out from all the whining and fussing. Pain reliever and teething tablets are a mama's best friend.
I have been reading some of my Amish books lately. Wanda Brunsetter and Beverly Lewis. I love their books. When I read how busy the characters stay keeping their home and family it really inspires me to get up and get busy doing.
I want to get some more work done in the great room today and then scrub the counters in the kitchen. Since hubby will be eating around 4 and I will be going out to dinner I only have to come up with something for the children to eat tonight. Im thinking about mixing up some from scratch Mac n Cheese and calling it a night. They would love that.
Look here and here to see what I ordered last night with Macy's gift cards hubby and I recieved for Christmas. Im excited. The crockpot is bigger than mine, though I probably should have held out for the 7 qt I saw at BJ's a few months ago. Of course when I went back to get it, it was gone. *sigh* Im also looking forward to having the smoothie maker. The reviews for it were mixed but why not try it? It could be a life saver, right? :)
Well I better get moving. I need to check the freezer and pantry and come up with meals for this week.
Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I love Wanda's amish book. She has a new set out. I got book 1 today.
