Friday, October 31, 2008

Selective compassion

I was thinking today about the election. This led to other issues.
I realized I have selective compassion. I don't expect unbelievers to act like believers. That's asking far too much of them. I need to be compassionate towards those who do not know the grace and mercy for Jesus. How can they understand the evil around them if they don't understand the love of God?
I do tend to get passionately dissatisfied with believers who act like unbelievers. I am a sinner. I still sin. But I don't stick my head in the sand and pretend that alls good with the world. That grandpa God thinks we are all cute and funny. When I find believers who say that abortion is ok in some instances, that submission is antiquated, that brag about the number of children they did not allow God to bless them with, that children have to go to school to be salt and light.... the list goes on. I don't have a whole lot of tolerance for that.
(My friends that send their children to school, please hear I am not judging you. Each family has to make that decision for themselves, but to tell me that I am wrong in "sheltering" my children instead of allowing them to be witnesses at school makes me gag!)
When I look around the church and I see little difference between people there and people in my own neighborhood I get depressed. When a believer tells me that they just don't have time to read their Bible it makes me sad. When 8 and 9 year old children tell me about books, video games, and movies that are part of their lives that I could not even stomach I get annoyed.
"Well, we have to be like the people we are trying to reach!" Is the battle cry from some camps.
So, because Jesus was reaching out to sinners, He should have become a sinner? Um... not buying that so much!

I have a whole other post ready to go on the Christian Revolution. I typed it here but it was really long. Right now I am off to hang out with my kids. I will put that post up a little later......


  1. I relate.

    I've been pretty lucky though, as far as folks questioning my beliefs on homeschool and the like. Although I'm fun and love to joke, I'm very matter of fact when I'm serious and silent when I haven't made up my mind about an issue. People generally don't mess with me. They know they won't get very far. Actually, I think I scare them! lol ;)

    I've been meaning to write and tell you I got your "letter" but I haven't yet. Thank you so much! I have it put to good use already. :)

  2. Amen!

    I deal with the exact same issues! There are very few people I attend church with that "get" our family.
    My daughters, 14 and 16, have been home educated since the start. They dress modestly, don't "hang out" with other teens, won't be dating and we mainly do everything as a family. We are looked at as weird, but the thing we get attacked for the most is our stand on college. Our daughters are being raised to be future helpmeets and mothers. If there is any continuing education to be done, it will be done at home, either by correspondence or on their own. They will be "daughters at home" until they can be the keepers at their husbands homes. This is a very hard thing for the "feminists" in the church to understand and accept. I am not tolerant of their need to try and undermine our family's stand in this area. It is a battle I wholeheartedly will continue to fight!

  3. I too can not tell the difference between many in my church and in my neighborhood. I pray I am not one of those. The ones who are not living as they should actually think they are....makes you want to step back and do a personal inventory.

    To answer your question....No, Charlotte does not have boys following her. They are running from her. She is very forward and acts quite immature for her 11 years. The boy she targeted recently is just turned 9. Forget the fact that a Maiden of Virtue does not act that way (she did not listen to any of that), when I put it to her that he is only 1 year older than her brother, she looked a tad shocked. She had not thought it through. With all the "you know what" abuse, it is a strong concern to keep her purity intact...a full time job it looks like!
    Now boys....yes, I have had to hide screw drivers...then he found (at age 2) that the plane wings on his hot wheels airplaines worked as a screwdriver too. We had switch plate/outlet covers off all over the house!!!

  4. Janel, LOL! People don't mess with me much either. I have to laugh because most the people at my church who disagree with what we are doing go to my friends to complain. Just once I wish one of them would come to me.

    Karin, I thought I wrote your comment. That is so where we are.

    Bren, this whole year has been personal inventory for me. I have seen so many areas in my life that I have to work on. I'm just thankful that my eyes have been open to them!
    Karly, does chase the boys, but here lately I have seen them hanging around her with their puppy dog eyes. DRIVING ME CRAZY!

    Sarah, thanks for your kind comments.
