Sunday, August 31, 2008


How do you vote?

I always vote the way my husband votes. I do a lot of the research behind the candidates and present it to Dh. He then decides how we will vote. He is the head of our family. Our spiritual leader. We vote as a family. We discuss candidates and issues with our kids. I am teaching my sons and daughters that as a family unit we should one day vote together. When they get married of course they should vote with their husband and my sons should encourage their wives to vote with them. Dh and I have decided that's a personal choice for them, but its what we are teaching and encouraging now.
Personally, I could care less that women have the right to vote. I exercise the right as helpmeet to my husband. When I vote with him it furthers his vision for our family. I'll probably get rotten tomatoed over that thought, but its the truth.
But, what if you don't agree with his pick? So. Showing my husband respect as the leader of our home is far more important in eternity than who runs the nation, state, city... today.
I figure if I am to be subject to him in everything I might as well be subject in who I vote for by voting with him. (Eph. 5:24) I respect him and trust him enough to make spiritual decisions for our family why should I not respect him enough to make political decisions as well? Which is more important in the long run?
This is something I will be putting into practice BIG TIME with this election. I have made it clear how I feel about the VP pick and I have always thought McCain was too liberal for my conservative blood. But my husband will vote that way. I'm sure. With a smile and a prayer I will follow. And in 100 years it won't matter that I voted for people I did not believe in. It will matter that I voted with someone I do believe in.

So, what do you think?


  1. I agree with you totally Julie! I will vote where hubby thinks we should place our votes!

    As for the previous comment - there aren't very many "GREAT ones" these days because of women keeping the same 'selfish pig' mentality of men. If we would *choose* to give men the proper respect, we might see a change from 'pigs' to 'princes'.

    I can only speak for myself, but submitting to my husband and allowing him to lead our family - even IF he were to do a lousy job at it - is because I am commanded by God to do so! Not because he (or any other man here on earth) is deserving of such respect - NOR is any woman.

    Please allow me to post this reminder - we are, today, where we are because of one WOMAN'S choice.

    Maybe the problem lies within the integrity and choices being made by young women today. Just a suggestion.

  2. You already know what I think...but I still love you. ;)

  3. Quit "stepping-up" and let him make his own mistakes, loving him regardless of the mess-ups. Likewise, stop being a dripping faucet and they won't step-out! Happy husbands don't step out on their wives.

  4. I will only delete comments that are inappropriate. Not because of the opinion expressed but if they are vulgar. :)

    Lori, I agree. A lot of what women suffer through is because of poor choices on their part. Life is not perfect. We are not perfect. But God is perfect. He gave us His word and if we choose to ignore what He tells us in His word then we can only blame our heartache on ourselves.

    MM3, yeeeeeeees *sigh* I know what you think. LOL Im just kidding. You know I still love you! LOL

  5. Sorry for the argument Julie, I know that it isn't becoming for a lady to engage in such disagreements, but it frustrates me so that women just don't understand! There are so many women that are ignorant to the way God wants us to live - not even necessarily their fault, but because those women were not taught themselves! Urgh!!!!

  6. Dear Julie,
    I agree again with this post. I too vote as a help meet for my husband. He wants me to vote so to help support more votes for the candidate we like. Thankfully my husband and I have the same beliefs so I have never faced the issue of us not favoring the same candidate.
    Ideally, I would love it if only men voted and women didnt have to. Just like ideally I would love for it to be common for all men to work and women to stay home. But its sadly not common because many people dont read their Bibles anymore and they follow celebrities and the ways of the world.
    Ideally, it would be best if we had a more godly man running for President and a more godly lady. But we dont, but I think in this case, McCain and Palin is still a better option than Obama. Like I said in the last post about this, if Obama wins, both our countires are in serious trouble.
    I would encourage everyone to vote for McCain even though he may not be the perfect choice. And then pray for some godly men to step up and run for politics.

    Just my 2 cents :)

  7. Oh my!

    You have really given me something to pray about, reflect, and meditate on. You words are more convicting then you can imagine.

    Thank you for the words of your heart. They are something I had never considered before....

  8. I am so thankful that I get to live in a country where I have a choice. I thank the women who toiled for years to give me the right to vote for leaders that may make a difference.
    Lastly, I truly, deeply thank the Lord for my husband who is the head of our household and whom I discuss all matters of my mind and heart with.

  9. I vote the way my husband does. We feel the same about the issues that face our country. I seriously wouldn't mind going back to the days when women didn't vote. Our country has become progressively worse since women have been voting. Obviously alot of men these days don't vote to preserve our Constitution either, however, I think most of them have been deceived by the feminist movement and the rest are lazy. I wish we could go back and change things but since we can't we women will have to work very hard to inspire our men and teach our boys to be Leaders, Providers, and Protectors again!

  10. I do believe what we do in our generation WILL have an impact in 100 years! While I agree that you should be in agreement with your husband in your voting, I would be praying for my husband to have a change of heart! :>) Chuck Baldwin is who we will be voting for. I feel like we as Christians answer to God for the vote that we cast. A vote for the "lesser of two evils" is still evil! Just my two cents! Marcy (mom to McKenzie, I use her google account:>) Oh, and has anyone thought that it might take Obama getting voted in to wake Christians up? Just a thought.

  11. Hi. I know this is a relatively older post (in the internet world, one day is old =D ). But I wanted to comment.

    My hubby and I almost always agree in matters that come to a vote. It has been my policy since we were married to vote with my husband. I have explained to people that I am his help meet, and that if I vote in opposition to him, I am basically cancelling his vote. I can't do that and feel that I am honoring him as my head.

    If I vote with him, I am strengthening his vote.

    This time around, we began with disagreement about the candidates. I was in favor of someone who will not win, no matter what. He was not. We discussed it at great length. And we will be voting the way he has decided.

    The policy in our home is that if I feel strongly enough the opposite of what he will vote, I will ask him to exempt me from voting on that particular matter. I have never had to do that, but we are in agreement that he would let me not vote if I feel strongly enough about it.

    Again - it all boils down to following him as my head, honoring him as my husband...and showing my love and respect for him in a very real way.

    Thanks for the post. It was nice to read another woman who feels the same way.

  12. Interesting post - gave me a lot to think about. I am very independent when I vote, but usually vote like my husband in the end, lol. We have somewhat different political views, but agree on the basics.

    I think that maybe I can show my husband more respect by listening to him talk about his political views (we really disagree only on a few minor points, lol) and listening carefully and considering what he has to say. And if it isn't a huge deal, then maybe it is better to vote along with him (issues like education, etc.) out of respect. Food for thought anyways.

    I would think though that it is important to realize that we must submit ourselves first to God, and then to our husbands, so if our husbands wanted us to vote against His Word or our consciences(for example, if they were pro-abortion), then we would be sinning to "submit" to this.
