Sunday, October 30, 2005

A question...

Ok I thought about this in church today and I wanted to know what you guys think. Please comment in the comments section or post the answer on your own blog and leave me a comment directing me to your blog.

How can we shelter our children but also show them how to be "salt and light" to the world? We are called to be missionaries to the world but we are also called to protect our chidlren and raise them up to follow God. Unfortunatly, bad influences good more often than not especially with young children just starting out on the journey. I have a few ideas that we try to implement but Im curious if we are doing enough.


  1. Thanks for the comment. I definatly think they need to be sheltered. I have a post Im working on with ways we involve our children in ministry work and outreach and ideas Im thinking of as well. Just wanted to know what others thought. I hope you keep stopping by..I love making new friends in the blogosphere! :)


    Come on guys any more takers??

  2. Have to say, I don't do it nearly as much as I should, but I do think involving our kids in hands on ministry is awesome. Gives them a chance to look outside themselves and our own little environment. So many times if we stop focusing on ourselves and our problems and focus on helping others, then our problems somehow seem so much less. I think its important to teach kids this. Plus, I think it makes them more grateful for the things they DO have. (or at least it should)

    Well, thanks for commenting on MY blog and I'll check in with you later.


  3. Ok, I commented on my blog...

    Oh, and this is my word verification bckemesf could it be any longer?

  4. I am not good at putting what I think or feel into written words so I look forward to discussing this with you when we are together. (Just one reason why I do not have a blog.)

