Tuesday, November 1, 2005

100 Posts

Ok so I thought for my 100th post I would do something different. I changed my blog face. Dont know how long this will last. Im going to stick with it a few days before I add my counter and links.
I liked the harbor picture because isnt that what our homes should be a safe harbor? Should not our husbands expect gentleness and patience and kind words and warm hearts when they enter here from a long hard day amongst the world? Shouldnt our children be greeted with smiles and kisses when the awake or when they trudge home from school? I am learning (and none too quickly)that my family needs order and rest. They need a clean house and nice smells and healthy dinners. They need songs and dancing and reading and laughter. Oh how happy they are when I pass out wet rags and turn on the music and order everyone to just clean everything in sight. Are there streaks on the windows? wet spots on the carpet? cats running from wet rags? Yes! Are my children laughing, giggling, and learning how much fun it is to clean? YES! YES! YES!
My prayer for the past month and on into the coming months is this:
Father, show me how to lead by example with my children. Show me how to make my home a safe haven from the world for my family. May this family be on fire for You and Your word. May we not stray from the path you have set us on. Help us to be a light to the world. A city set on a hill which can not be hidden. AMEN!


  1. I think this is my favorite blogger template. :-) I say "go for it", and maybe add a few personal touches to the look. :-)

  2. Nifty spifty. I like it. :-)

    ~Wandering Homemaker

  3. Looks great! What a great reminder post on WHY we are even at home to begin with. ;)

    So now, are we taking our 'calling' seriously and doing our best job as unto the Lord? I know, that I fall short daily in various ways...but posts like this are a huge encouragement!

  4. Hi there... I just saw your notes on my blog. Thanks so much for posting to me :o) I always love feedback on my writings - especially if someone likes it LOL

    I have read some of your blog and I already know that this is a place I will enjoy coming back to again and again.

    God Bless!
