Friday, May 23, 2008


I wanted to blog today, I just did not know about what. I was browsing through pictures on (my favorite thing to do lately!) and I saw all these pictures of porches.

I will admit. I covet a porch. In my dreams my new house will have a beautiful screened in back patio and a big front porch. These outside areas will be extensions of my home. A place to kick back and enjoy the spring breeze. A place to have our morning devotions. A place to nap even.
I am going to make my dreams come true a little bit. Probably next month we will be investing in a nice wooden swing to go in the back yard. I envision taking a child out there after dinner and just swinging and talking. Just the two of us. Of pouring big glasses of sweet tea and sitting outside with DH after the children are in bed. Maybe taking some cushions and curling up out there on a lazy Sunday afternoon to read a book.
There are so many possibilities. I used to have a swing. It rusted and started falling apart. It was a cheapy one. DH and I decided we would like a nice one.

My favorite memory of a porch was one year on vacation. My mom has a condo in Orlando and it has a nice screened in back porch. One year it was all rainy and cool (weird for July) outside. I took a blanket out and curled up on the lounge chair. Fast asleep. It was the best nap ever!
For now I will make do with my soon to be swing and secretly (or not) I will covet my dream porch.
Be Blessed!


  1. my parents recently got a swing for the back porch, and it is so nice to sit and watch the birds =)
