Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nourishing Traditions and My Health

I'm not at church right now. My family is, but I'm at home. I could tell you why.... but that might be way too much information. I'm always trying to be transparent on this blog, but trust me, transparency should have limits. Let's just say my stomach is really hurting and leave it at that. Oh and I can assure everyone that I am not pregnant this month! LOL
I figured while the house was quiet I would focus on reading through the Nourishing Traditions thread on the welltellme site. I am very intrigued with the experiences of cooking NT. They range from "Yuck" to "Yum". But most people have said that even if they never made another recipe from NT they would never part with the book, because of all the other benefits and information. I will admit my eyes glaze over when I'm reading the information part of the book. I have to take that in small doses. But I am noticing that it is easier to understand and comprehend as I read a little bit at a time. I have been reading through some of the recipes. I'm still debating on where to start in the implementation process. I have not been able to buy raw milk for a few months now because it's $5 for a half gallon and money has been tight. I miss it though. We are finally getting back on budget and I'm looking forward to picking up my milk again next month. I think I will spend the rest of this month coming up with a plan for next month. I will note some of the things I would like to start out with in the book and work from there. Its definatly not a book you can just open and start making stuff. It takes planning. I'm also going to use the rest of this month to get my kitchen ready to roll. I have some cleaning and organizing and decluttering to do in there. I can't function in a cluttered kitchen. Thats why we have not had any bread for about 2 months now. My kitchen is out of control. I have some ideas for ways to improve it, but thats another blog post.
My blood sugar has been pretty good the past few weeks. Though I have been taking the Glucophage. I really need to focus on diet, excercise and natural supplements to get off of this drug. My Dr. wants to put me on another drug in addition to the Glucophage, but I am holding off on that for the time being. I have to go get some lab work done and I did not see my Dr. last month. I did not make the appt on the way out of the office and then never thought about it again until the end of the month. I have to call and set up an appt for this month...soon I guess. I decided to drop my diabetes class I was supposed to go to every month. For starters it was going to cost me $150.00 for every class and then the first meeting the lady was very skeptical of my goal to get off of the medicine with diet, excercise and natural supplements. She actually laughed when I told her I use Stevia and not Splenda and that I take Cinnamon to help regulate my blood sugar. She said that she could not approve of either of those things. I figured I was not going to waste $150 every month for 6 months to be lied to, did not seem worth it.
The good news is, they think I am still in the early stages, so I do not have a lot of damage. My goal is to keep it that way.
Well, I have written a lot and now I'm going to lie down. I think we are going to take a hike this afternoon at one of the state parks if my stomach calms down, which it will in the afternoon. It always does. The excercise and fresh air will be good as well. I want to rest for awhile. I'm going to post more on changes in our diet in the next few days.

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I love NT!! I am in college and live in the city so I can't really get everything they recommend..but a few "different" things are available like..marrow bones, oxtails, karigold butter, raw cheese sometimes and then all the normal stuff like organic eggs and meat and all...

    very sad more people do not know about how much better stevia is for you...I have been using it for like 4 years and I love it and tell people about it...(and yes just like you many people laugh...maybe if they knew more about it they would not laugh)

    Congrats on bringing your kids up in this kind of environment!!
