Monday, October 22, 2007

New Strategy

As I have mentioned before my oldest is having a hard time keeping up with her work. It has been a constant struggle the past few weeks. Her attitude has improved 100 percent though and for that we are grateful.
Karly is about two weeks behind right now. I will use this week to catch her up one week and then the dates will all change and she will be caught up. With this she will be ungrounded..or off of grounding..not sure. :) She will be allowed to resume dance lessons and start piano.
There will be an understanding that she will complete all of her work everyday in a timely manner. I am working out a way that she can proceed without waiting for me. With four other children there have been times she has had to stop and wait for me on occasion. I will blog about this new idea later. She will be expected to keep up with her work though. I don't think it is too much. I mentioned in an earlier post how much work she has. Working it out on paper she should complete in two hours. I have three alloted.
I will let you know in a few weeks how it all worked out!

Be Blessed!

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