Thursday, October 25, 2007

God has called us...

Last October the good Lord revealed to my husband and I a new calling. I was praying for direction for our family. I was praying for direction for my husband. I was praying for direction for myself. We'd just adopted the children and started homeschooling. We had visions of more children. We had visions of our children growing up strong and biblically ready to serve God. In all of this praying God revealed a place for this city family in a rural setting. A place where we could learn to live off of the land. A place where life through full of daily work was ended with satisfaction. A life of simplicity and hard work.
I know there is a movement among a lot of conservative Christians right now to "get out of dodge" so to speak. We are pulling our children out of public school in alarming rates. We are learning to treat ourselves instead of relying on modern drugs and monthly doctor's visits. We are searching the scriptures for concrete foundations of life. There is controversy among Christians on a lot of this. Christians calling Christians extreme and legalistic.
Legalism as a term has really started to bother me lately. Any time someone does not agree with how you read the scriptures you are considered legalistic. I am a black and white person. I read the Bible as literally as possible. I know Jesus. I know grace and mercy. I know that we are not "under" old testament law. I don't think that we have "liberty" to live however we want as long as no one gets hurt. I believe Christians, sons and daughters of the KING, should live their lives differently. At a different standard even then those who are unbelievers. If I live just like the lost person next door with maybe fewer bad words what will he see in my life worth surrendering his life to Christ for?
I have heard Christian parents admonish other Christian parents for homeschooling. Apparently we should send our children to public school to be salt and light... I don't buy that. My kids can be salt and light to their homeschcool group, at the park, at church, anywhere they are and still be under my watchful eye and prayerful heart. Plus, my kids are not ready to stand firm in their beliefs. They are still trying to understand their beliefs. They know the love Jesus and He loves them. They don't know what it means to not believe in God at all. They don't know what it means when Billy has two mommies. They don't need to know it. We tell our children God wants boys to marry girls and have lots of babies. God wants girls to marry boys and have lots of babies. That's what they understand. Our job is to tell them the truth. Our job is to write God's word on their hearts. When they are older and someone has two daddies they can just know that its not right. They can defend their stance when called to question. They are not ready for that now. I will not send them out to be soldiers on a battlefield I am still trying to understand at 28. I will not send them ill prepared to be taken in by a devil who is charming, conniving, manipulative, and so deceitful.
I will write more on this hopefully later today. I have a huge burden on my heart and I just want to share it. Eventually this post will turn into our what our vision is. A vision God gave both of us.. gradually and then confirmed it and is still confirming.

Be Blessed!


  1. Hi Julie!

    This is my first visit to your blog (linked over from Crystal's list at Biblical Womanhood) and WOW - I couldn't agree more with your thoughts in this post! The part about sending your children out into a battlefield that you're still trying to understand, even as an adult, really resonated with me. Those are my feelings exactly. I wanted to thank you for sharing these thoughts and send prayers your way for a wonderful Thursday evening for you and yours! :o)

  2. Julie,

    That was a great post! Very thought provoking. I understand how you feel. I frequently get called legalistic for my beliefs. Much of the time I feel like people say that because my convictions and my faith, brings a spotlight on their own heart and how they lives their lives and it makes them uncomfortable.

    I can't wait to read more about your journey about this :)

    take care,

  3. I am often called legalistic as well because of my beliefs... I enjoyed your blog and if I ever get a link going on my own at my blog I will link to yours:)

  4. This is wonderful! We have an adopted daughter as well that we homeschool, and I have said the exact same things. She's not ready to go and stand on her own budding faith yet. There is so much 'yuck' out there that to send out a small child who has only small portions of the yummy Word internalized would be foolish.
    You'll work it out, Julie and KNOW why you believe the way you do.
