Thursday, October 18, 2007

Give us this day..

Once again searching for just the right title and it would not come to me. No wonder I never win any of the Pioneer Woman's contests.
I was talking with hubby about ways I have strayed these past few months from our healthy living goals. It also brought up ways we have continued making wise choices in that area. So here is a list of what we kept doing through the slump.
Brown Rice
Whole Wheat/Grain bread or no bread at all
Real butter
Extra Virgin olive oil (though the quality left a lot to be desired)
Oatmeal instead of cereal
Whole grain pancakes (only on Saturdays!)
Publix Organic milk (though I cant wait to get back to Raw milk)
Limited snacks of processed junk (though I am working my way back to none)
No Hormones/No Antibiotics Omega 3 eggs (not organic or free range, but its what we can afford right now)
Still avoided cooking with processed foods.
Lots of fruits and veggies

Now, what bad habits did we go back to?
Sodas, sodas, sodas! We went from having an occasional soda on a night out to buying them everytime we stopped at the store. We had bottled water in the house, but really who wants to drink water when you have yummy soda? Now that we dont have soda in the house as much the water is going back to being pretty yummy!
Eating out a lot. When I failed to plan healthy, delicious meals it was easy to justify stopping to grab something while we were out. Our budget felt this as well.
Some processed snack food that would be gone within a couple of days.
I put away my NT cookbook and stopped learning from welltellme. I thought maybe all of that stuff was not really necessary. While for some it might not be, but God has given me a vision for my family in the coming years.

I'm so glad that God has restored my vision of a more healthy lifestyle for our family. He has called us to a grand undertaking in the coming years and we have to be prepared. Everyday something has happened in our lives to confirm it just a little more. I will expound on some of those things in another blog post.
As for now I am studying my NT book, prayerfully. I want the Lord's leading on the changes in our lives. He wants us to change of that I have no doubt.

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I went on a huge rant about healthy eating, etc..the past couple of days :)

    Great minds think alike.

