Tuesday, September 18, 2007

One Long Season

Prepare for a rather... whiny post.....

It seems like things have just happened lately. I dont know. First the whole thing with my mom and the runaway. Then I had strep throat. Then my cousin had her accident. Then we ran out of money, literally. Now, my cousin's accident has made a huge dent in our extended family. Accusations, lies, deception, and... the list goes on. I guess you dont really know people until crisis hits.
Also I just cant seem to get it together. I seem to always be running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Last week for instance something told me our co-op started at 11. I showed up at 11 with plans to meet my mom and pick up something while the kids were there and be back in time for second hour. Co-op starts at 10. Yeah that was embarassing, but that has just been my life lately.
Im so disorganized and forgetful. I know I just need to get back into a routine of some sort. We have added a few extra activities to our menu this past month and I know thats part of the problem. I just have to work it all out. I cut back on some extra activities as well. I am gone from the house for the most part two whole days a week. Some might think thats excessive, but we are investing in activities that are important to our family. I really need to get to a place where Tuesdays and Wednesdays have minimal housework and schoolwork. That would mean I need to really be on the ball Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Anyways, just wanted to document this chaos so in a few months when God has calmed me down some , I can see it and laugh.
I try to keep my joy and smile. Some days its hard. Im not trying to be fake when I smile and laugh about life in general. I just believe in fake it til you make it. Believe me if I let this past month really be a barometer for my emotions I would be one sick puppy. LOL. Probably curled up in the fetal position, sucking my thumb. But I believe that if I "pretend" to be joyful and try to find the funny, I will find the joy.
I hope that makes some sort of sense. Im not faking it as much as trying to get through it. :)

1 comment:

  1. No, you aren't whining. Life is hard and I know it helps me (and maybe others) to hear that others aren't always perfect. We know it, but when you read about so many great things that HS moms do and their kids it can feel like whatever I do is never enough. Also, we are always happy to pray for whatever specific need you are having. We love you!!! BTW, when we get together I must take you to what I believe may be a Beautiful Pole, but only you would know for sure. ;D

    Love you bunches and bunches,
