Thursday, September 13, 2007

Coming Up

I have been trying to get my house and schooling caught up from last week's illness. It's been rough, but things are looking brighter.
My cousin had surgery today and it went really well. A lot will depend on her therapy now. Fortunately we were able to get her therapy over here where we live, so that will be a huge blessing. Her family in West Florida is unstable at best. Here she has aunts, grandparents, cousins, and our churches have all offered to help out and support her. My mom is due home on Saturday so I will know a lot more then.
Tomorrow I want to do another Inspiring Blogs post.
Hopefully this weekend I will have some more pictures of the kids to share.
I have some homeschooling updates, I would like to write about.
Plenty of stuff out there for me to journal, just not enough time.
Anyways, just wanted to check in and say hello and thanks for all your prayers.

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I just saw your comment on Biblical Womanhood and thought I'd say "HI" to a fellow Florida suburbanite. Great blog, by the way.
