Monday, March 19, 2007

March 10, 2000

I was in the midst of planning my wedding. In almost 9 months I was going to be wed to Mr. Wonderful. I thought ok, marriage, a couple of years later kids, a house..... yada, yada, yada. Somwhere in the north part of our nation a beautiful baby girl was being born. My wedding came and went. We waited and waited and waited. No babies came. We decided to go out looking for them since they were not coming to us. In October of 2004 we found a couple of them. One was our blond haired, blue eyed Kelsie. The first picture is her first Easter with us. I guess that would be Easter of 2005. I love how chubby she looks. She has slimmed up so much. She is growing from my baby to my little girl. One day soon she will be my young lady and then my young woman and then she will be the mother of my grandbabies.
I have her husband picked out already. They will be perfect together because while all the other girls at church fawn over him she wont give him the time of day. Perfect. LOL. She likes to be the princess, sometimes to the point daddy and I have to bring her back down to earth. She prays with her eyes closed tight and her face turned up. Her whole face scrunches up as she prays for everyone around her sometimes including the homeless people. She ends with I love everyone so so so so much! She always wants to be with her baby brother. She has the most patience with him. She never gets dirty. She loves being a girl. She wears dresses or skirts most of the time. She can entertain herself. She prefers to be by herself more than my other children. When she does something outright disobedient it always shocks me, because she usually does exactly what we tell her. She cant memorize to save her life. We both get frustrated when she tries to recite poetry or remember addition facts. She can stategize enough to win at Sorry every time. She has hair a color that people would pay money for. I love her more than I thought you could love anyone. She is on the edge of becoming a Christian.
Happy Birthday darling. I love you!! Kelsie Ann!

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