Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Around the house..

Somebody turned 9 yesterday. Of course if you go to the Walt Disney World website you will see that this year you can go free on your birthday. Guess where my husband and I took little Miss Kelsie yesterday. All. By. Herself. She has celebrated five birthdays with us. I'm amazed that God took this amazing darling girl and placed her in our family. She is a huge blessing. She says yesterday was her best birthday. She's so sweet.
In other news around the house we are still ripping up carpet. We priced flooring the other day. I'm waiting for my darling to come up with final numbers so we can look for it in the budget. I'm sure it's there. The house already is starting to look better as I become more diligent in keeping up with it. I can't wait to get the floors and really start opening our home up.

I have some new recipes to share. We are doing great with our eating at home challenge. Of course my grocery bill went up with all the food I have bought, but that's my fault and I know how to fix it. I will share more on that later. I have been making some notes and pondering on the issue of legalism vs. holiness. It's been a fun discussion topic around my house lately and I will share some of my thoughts on it very soon.
I hope you all are having a blessed week.
Be Blessed!


  1. I look forward to your thoughts on legalism v. holiness as I've been thinking a lot on that lately.
