Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Empty Womb

He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 113:9
This verse has ALWAYS brought me such comfort. It has also reminded me of God's promises. As I look around at my wonderful children I realize I am the woman that verse speaks of! I am the barren woman who keeps the home and is the joyful mother of children. Only now He has blessed me AGAIN! This time by taking my barren womb and creating life. What an awesome God He is.
I know the infertility is a struggle for so many women. I know the longing of an empty womb. The Bible even tell us in Proverbs 30 that a barren womb is one of the things that will never be satisfied or say, "It is enough".
I have changed my diet radically over the past few years. Moving away from processed foods to more Whole/Real food options. Cutting out white sugars, pastas, rice, breads.. moving towards whole grain options.
I did find out that high blood sugar is a big cause of infertility. It creates a not so inviting environment for sp*rm.
I am not 100% sure why God chose this season for our blessing. I do know that He has perfect timing. I am so very grateful to be able to share that God does indeed hear our prayers and is faithful to answer them.
I remember Roy pointing out at one point when I was struggling with being "broken" as a woman, that he could not think of one time in the Bible that a woman cried out to God for a baby and her prayer was not answered. I clung to that hope.
I am so very blessed to be able to share our journey with others. I hope our story in some way blesses you. I am praying for you dear sister with an empty womb. I am praying for your arms to be filled and for God to give you peace in this season of your life. I pray that you are encouraged by my story. That you will not give up praying to God, the creator of Life. Maybe His answer will be different than you want, but He is perfect. He always has our best in mind.
Be Blessed!!


  1. I haven't been infertile but I did pray for a son and thought of Hannah in the bible who asked God for a son and He was gracious to give her a boy. I believed that it was acceptable to ask for a specific gender and now I am blessed to have a little son due to be born in June. We are naming him Judah, meaning "praise"
    Congrats to you on your health and blessing I love reading your posts!

  2. Awwww, I just want to HUG you right now!! What a great post. You give me hope and God answering your prayers give me hope that He will answer mine as well. =) You continue to inspire me.

