Thursday, August 11, 2005

Oh the humanity!

Just a note: For those of you who dont know.. I write these up and change the date often. I change the date to the day I wrote them. I try not to do it to much but this is one of those I wrote Friday.

So tonight at 5:30pm C's GAL (Guardian Ad Litem) shows up. Now once this little four year old she is here to see figures out that he has your undivided attention he will talk for HOURS! Now here I am at 5:30 trying to get dinner ready, help KA with her homework AND do all the final preperations for daddy's arrival. I let her in... because I am a big softie. But DH and I have decided that we are going to put a note on the door that states the only people allowed admittance after 5pm are friends, family and invited guests. I had no clue she was coming until she showed up. Anywho we are going to put the sign on our door and I am implepenting my half hour three days a week schedule for all visits. That will be ready to go in plenty of time for the next month.
School has gone well this week. The girls are enjoying it. They had a disobedience problem at home last week which we punished by denying sweets this week. WELL both girls happily reported to me (as did thier teachers) that they have not partaken in the class treats this week. I was so happy. They are truly good girls. They try to do good but as my four year old C is quick to tell everyone... "I cant be good by myself!" I truly think he will be our first child to get saved. Come on thats some deep theology for one so young! :)
Hubby and I have been praying about opening our home more to friends... the Bible really tells us to be hospitable.
1 Peter 4:9 Use hospitality one to another without grudging.
Here is the problem... I have three cats.. these cats are indoor cats. I cant stand the thought of them becoming outdoor cats and one day roadkill. I cant give them to the pound because they are my babies. So alas I must wait until they are no longer around by natural consequences. This brings me to my problem. Our house... cat central... well sometimes the cats rebel and dont use the litter box...nough said? Anyway I have been fighting this battle for awhile. We actually had someone comment on it once after they'd been to our home so once again the doors shut up tight. We are now coming out of it again and trying desperatly to push past hurts behind us and just swing open the door. Love us love our cats.. or something like that. Please pray for us as we prepare to invite people over. We have been using a carpet cleaner pretty regularly along with whatever we find at the pet store that WOWs us (seems to be something different everytime!). I think its getting better but we have to face it. Until the cats go "see the Maker" as we often tell them they are headed there sooner than they think we must deal with it as best we can!

Around the House:
For those of you who have the MOTH book.. I am at the cut and paste part...nerve racking but kinda fun! Of course my computer guru hubby who had to purchase a Project Manager program for his class wants me to use that. We have not installed it yet but it looks pretty cool. He grinned and let me go when I told him that I thought this cut and paste stuff was kinda fun. For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about I will explain.. a little.
Each person is assigned a color. Then you take the color and write all the activities that person does in a day in 30 min or 1 hour increments on thier color paper. Then you cut it out and paste it on this nifty schedule. Actually you dont paste you sticky tak it so you can move it around. Its like putting a puzzle together and pretty amazing! IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH SCHEDULES YOU MUST LOOK INTO THIS MOTH SYSTEM IT IS AMAZING! Just implementing bits and pieces of our new schedule has really impressed me and made my family function so much better.
Our room is looking so nice. The floor is clean HALLALUJAH!
The boys' room has some little things left to do. Mainly I have to clean out the closet. I barely touched the girls' room but all in due time... all in due time.
I have started Christmas shopping. I know for almost certain sure I will have my 2 year old A and my three girls and more than likely my 4 year old C at Christmas so I figured we better start now. My baby A loves Bob the Builder and it has been impossible to find BTB stuff lately well Praise the Lord Target has started selling a ton of it... blocks, legos, die cast figures, playsets! I already have a few things and Im going to get a few more. He is having a BTB Christmas this year. Speaking of Christmas I heard someone say once that they opened thier presents on Christmas Eve that way Christmas day could be all about Jesus. I thought this was an awesome idea.. though I have not talked to hubby about it yet. I have prayed about it some but have not really felt the time right yet (or the go ahead from God) to broach it. That might not make sense to some but to otheres you know exactly what I speak of.
Well beter things to do! :)

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