Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's an obsession

I am obsessed with pink right now. No kidding. Pink! And if it's pink and polka-dotty.. BE STILL MY HEART! It's quiet pathetic really. Growing up I was not a girly girl. NOT A LITTLE BIT! But now as the mommy of girls... I love pink!

On my registry I even declared that Miss Lily's favorite color is pink. This poor child. She will be in pink until she is at least five. I can already see it. Seriously. It's an addiction. I need help!!

Thankfully my girls are ok with pink. They don't really wear it but they don't oppose it either. I hate seeing their tastes emerge.. LOL Just kidding. I love seeing their tastes emerge. But it does seem the girlier I get the girlier they are not. I think it's an act of rebellion. :)

Anyways, since I don't know what to write about I thought I would share my passion for pink. I'm sure you all are glad you clicked on this blog today. I'm sure you had NOTHING better to do then to read about the scary pink lady. I promise to one day be back to my old stir the pot, troublemaking self. Someday. Maybe. :)
Be Blessed!


  1. Pink is a lovely color. The girls are going in a room together and the walls are going to be pastel pink and lavender. Also, if you are going to dress Lily in pink make sure you have plenty of ruffles also.

  2. I have always dressed my girls in purple or even varrious blues because No mater what I love them in those colors. Now I am having a boy, I find that I am not as insane about BLUE...I think of my husband and he likes bright colors so the baby not only has blues and greens but ORANGE of all colors! When I look at those colors it makes me so happy because having a child of your own gender is very special and orange is definitely what my husband would wear :) It's like re-living a bit of your own happiness somehow

  3. I like pink too!!!! And thanks for visiting my blog:)
