Monday, November 24, 2008

I am Thankful

I will be super busy over the next few days getting ready to visit friends out of town for the holiday. I wanted to take a moment and be thankful!First I am so thankful to Jesus Christ who died on the cross so that I could live in heaven forever. I am thankful that He knows my name. He knows everything about me..and still.. HE loves me! I am thankful that I am free to proclaim His name as loud as I can to one and all and I don't have to be worried that those words will be my last because I am breaking a law.

I am thankful for the brave people who came before me. First the ones who founded this great country for religious freedom! The ones who were brave enough to walk into a new land and set up camp so that they would be free to worship the God of the Bible the way they believed He should be worshipped. I can not even imagine the first years of our country. How unbelievably scared and lonely some must have felt. They moved on through those years though and became pioneers of something great! Then, for the ones who fought to free our country from the oppression of England. To give us even more freedom! To the men who died. To the families who suffered. And of course to the men and women who still fight today so that we can keep the freedoms those brave men fought for so long ago!

I am thankful for my husband. OH! I am so thankful for him! When he walks in that door at night my whole day is complete. He makes me laugh. He is strong and brave and protecting and... AMAZING! I am thankful for these beautiful children God has blessed me with. I look at them and can not believe that God loves me enough to bless me so much with them! I am thankful for my mom, my brother, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, my cousins... I am thankful to be part of a great family where I am loved and accepted and supported. I am thankful that my parents and grandparents have given me a godly heritage. They took me to church. They prayed for me. They raised me up!

I am thankful for my friends. Oh, I could go on and on about what great friends I have. I have my Tuesday chicks! I have my church family. I have my friends who live in other states now. I have my friends from highschool and single days. I am blessed with the best friends. Girls, who know that my DH and kids rank highest and support and understand that. Girls, who understand when I don't call them every day. I love you guys! Thanks for putting up with me!
I am thankful for the friends I have met online. Ladies who are willing to share their wisdom and insight with someone who does not have a clue. I am so grateful for all the ideas you guys put out there. It helps me so much!

All in all I am so blessed! To each of you I want to say..


  1. Thank YOU for sharing your thankfulness. I especially appreciate your appreciation of your family. I see so many people who take their families for granted and as a person who has little family and the family that I do have are not Christians (yet)... I am always glad to see people understand what the have.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You started early!


  2. Thank-you for that post Julie! Loved it. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving. :)

  3. I enjoyed your post, Julie. I wanted to let you know you have an award waiting for you at my blog if you'd want it.

  4. Haha we have so much in common! I could have written the same thing. God Bless!


  5. I hope your Thanksgiving went wonderfully.

  6. You always write such great posts! :)

