Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Homeschooling: What does my day look like?

1 Corinthians 14:40, "Let all things be done decently and in order."
I know the verse above is talking about something different, but that verse has really helped me to learn to manage my school a little better.
I do have five children. My youngest is in a very curious, independent, "NO!" place right now. It's something we spend a lot of time during the day working on. I know it's only for a season and that if I stay consistent he will be blessed as will I. Some days are harder than others. But in our family school is not only books and learning, but also teaching and training. I mentioned before that I think to have a successful homeschool you must have discipline for yourself and your children.

In light of that my kids are where I can see and hear them at all times during our school day. But how do I do that when the age range is so huge? Is it really possible to "do" school while a two year old is underfoot? What I am about to say is really working out for our family. It does not mean it will work for yours! The first thing I had to give up was an expectation that my family could look like Joe Homeschool Cool. NOPE! I share this with you for ideas. That's where I get most of my stuff.. other homeschoolers who have tried and erred for me! :)
After breakfast, chores, and either a walk or dancing to praise and worship music, we have circle time. After circle time Karly starts her corrections, Kelsie practice piano, and I begin to work with Tamara and Adrian. It takes about 30m to do math, reading, and HW with them. During this time Jonathan is in his spot. This is a corner of our homeschool room where he has a quilt on the floor. He can play with whatever toys he wants on this quilt as long as he stays on the quilt and plays quietly. It took much training to get him there and he has times where he forgets. But they are less frequent!
After school with the little kids Kelsie works on her corrections, Karly practices piano, Tamara, Adrian, Jonathan, and I read aloud. Right now we are reading through a big A.A. Miline Winnie the Pooh book.

Next I feed Jonathan lunch while Adrian plays with blocks and legos and the girls practice their dance. After Jonathan has lunch he and I will read and play together for a few minutes before he lays down for his nap. Usually I let the other kids have lunch while I'm doing this. Then we do table chores. Next, I pull out playdoh, paint, or markers for Tamara and Adrian and let them CREATE! I go through Karly's school work with her. It takes maybe 15m-30m. She finishes up while I work with Kelsie about 30m-45m. When they are done we do our Bible study and then Tamara and Adrian lay down.
Karly and Kelsie are then free to work on projects of their own choosing for about half an hour then they take books and lay down.
It's quiet in my house for at least an hour every day. I NEED that!
At night after dinner and clean up we usually do either history or science, one of our read alouds, and our Bible study.
And that my friends is our homeschool in a nutshell!
I hope I did not bore everyone to death. Like I said before our homeschool is ever evolving. It may not look like this next year. Who knows?
Be Blessed!


  1. My hats off to you! I remember a time when I homeschooled my then third grader, with a baby, and my high schooler started getting into trouble at public school, so I brought her home for the rest of the year. OH MY! What a busy time!

    Comparing yourself to other homeschoolers is so easy to do. I used to do it all the time, but I now realize that all children learn at their own time and differently.

  2. HIya :)
    I just emailed you :)

    I love homeschooling. For me, its super easy because we only have one child. We do Bible reading together, then he does his math and language from workbooks that I picked up from Costco for his grade level (grade 5). We will have to start on Grade 6 soon because he sped right thru them. He's Mamas smart boy :) :)
    And we will be starting geography and science soon.. With Geography for Grade 5, we will be learning about the provinces of Canada so all I will do is print off a map for him to fill in. Then we will learn all the States. For science we will just read books about it.
    And thats it. For "gym" he does his hockey and power skating.
    We dont do art or music or a second language.
    I find it very easy. We take Fridays off do homeschooling is only Monday-Thursday and its only couple hours a day. Plus his reading time when he reads out of his own books.
    I only wish I started homeschooling since kindergarten!
    candy :)
