Friday, January 4, 2008


OK well, maybe not essentials, but these are definatly some of my favorite Christmas/Birthday presents.

First you have the biggest essential. A bookshelf. This looks nothing like the one I got for Christmas. I could not find that one online for anything. The bookshelf was really needed. I have tons of books stored in plastic containers. Im a book junkie. I admit it. Of course I wanted more books for Christmas and more books I got....
This book was tops on my Christmas list. See this month starts our two year plan for real. We are moving full force ahead. This book was a must for learning some of the essentials for our new lifestyle. The first chapter had me enthralled. It talked about buying land and setting up your homestead. Lots of great ideas. This city girl needs all the help she can get. We also have planned to learn as much as we can here and now. Which leads me to my next gift..

I have read two chapters in this book and Im so excited. I can do this. This was one of my birthday presents. My sweet guy listens when I talk. He found it at Target and was so excited.
Growing up my mom worked a lot. She also had hayfever really bad so we never worked in the yard. This is a whole new experience for me.

On our way to a more self sufficient lifestyle I have to start at square one. God started us off on a need to eat healthier. He pointed me towards a natural whole foods lifestyle. While Im still struggling with it, I do see some improvement.
We went the whole month of December eating whatever was put in front of us. We have paid dearly for it as our whole family has spent the whole month of December being sick and tired. Now the burden on my heart is budgeting and saving money. Its a part of my prayer every morning. We are about $2000 dollars in debt right now. Its all little stuff that should not be a problem, but the little stuff adds up. We have paid off our car and once we get these other things cleared up we will be debt free except our mortgage. We have a plan for that as well. While I dont think we will pay off our mortgage in the next two years we will be able to put a dent in it.
This month will be lean trying to keep up with our regular bills but by the first of Feb. we should be able to pay off most of our remaining debt. Thats an exciting prospect.
I will have more to write on that later.
Well, I guess I better get going. Lots to do today. Im not sure why this post took me two days to write. LOL

Be Blessed


  1. Speaking of books...I am not sure if you have seen this
    but I thought you would like to know about it.

    Have a beautifully blessed day!

  2. I have both of those books and I LOVE them. We implemented the Square Foot Gardening method last spring and got lots of yummy organic veggies out of the deal. My husband ended up building me 6 boxes and is going to do another 3 for this year. The hardest thing was finding the vermiculite to use in the soil mix. I definitely recommend following the book as far as the soil mix. You're going to have so much fun with it!!
