Monday, January 7, 2008

The best laid plans.

Well Im almost done planning out our year for school. Good thing since we start in about an hour.
My plan for this morning was to get up early, have my quiet time, nice shower and then get the kids up. Then we would have breakfast, clean up, read the Bible together, play a game or something and start school.
Instead my morning went more like this:
I overslept two hours. Hubby says he tried to wake me, but Im not sure. LOL.
I had my Bible time after checking on the kids.
Quick shower.
I then put breakfast on to cook only to find out a behavior problem we have been having with our oldest is resurfacing in a big way.
I went to talk with her about it and that ended badly.
An hour later the oatmeal was burned and it was looking like it was closer to lunch time than breakfast.
We found something to eat and continued on.

Ok, here is how the rest of the day went. I just put my three younger ones down for a nap.
My older two are finishing up some school work and waiting for grandma to take them to piano practice. We finished everything in our lesson plans. *Phew* never thought that was going to happen. LOL.
I will post a little later what they are doing this year.
Right now I want to go exercise and rest for a few minutes.

Be Blessed


  1. TWO hours *gasp* Julie, I'm shocked!!!

    I think I slept in just about two hours as well. I just couldn't get to sleep last night (think 4am here) and dh was wonderful and let me catch up a bit this morning.

    Hey, you are still the best momma for those babies. How blessed the both of you are!!


  2. Julie,

    What are you doing for exercise and how do you fit it in your day? I would really like to do this but can't seem to make it stick. I would love your advice.

