Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Way

John 14:6 clearly says, "Jesus saith unto him, ' I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me."
This weekend I have had no less than three conversations where I was told by people professing to be Christians that Jesus is Lord of their lives but that does not mean He is the only way to heaven. WHAT!?!
Oh and try to bring up the above verse and I'm told it's a fallacy to try to use the Bible to prove anything. The Bible is for people who can't think for themselves. God never intended us to take it literally. WHAT!?!?
I knew people believed this junk, but I never knew anyone WHO believed it.
Brought me to a whole other verse.
Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
It's amazing though how rampant this thought was with this group of people who I believe are very intelligent. Many professing to be born again believers.
The problem is that many are letting their intelligence get in the way of their faith. Face it faith is not about being intelligent. If you rely on your intelligence to much you can hurt your faith. Faith is believing in something we can't see. If you rely on cold hard fact for your intelligence then you can't believe in something you can't see.
So, just had to get that off my chest. I know, I know I'm mainly talking to the choir. I just had to put my thoughts on "paper".
PS No I'm not saying only dumb people can be Christians. I'm saying only people who are willing to put their smarts after their faith.


  1. Wow. The pastor at church was just telling us about how there was a survey done by someone (not sure who) and asked many members of a specific denomination how to get to heaven. Less than 50% of them agreed that Jesus was the ONLY way to heaven. Wow. Blew me away.

    Blessings in Christ,

  2. Wow. It sounds like people are more worried about offending people and being politically correct, than speaking truth. =(

    Did you get my email? I hope you are feeling great!!


  3. It's hard to believe, but even professed Christians don't read and use the Holy Bible to back up what they believe in...
    I pray that before the Lord comes to take us home, everyone will know the truth about Jesus, and humble themselves to him.

    Sister in Christ,
