Sunday, October 4, 2009

In the Kitchen

I decided recently to take up bulk cooking again. Of course with my large family anytime I cook it's bulk cooking. But I mean making enough to freeze for later.
We have been bombarded with illnesses and deaths around us lately and I wanted to not only have something stored up for my family but for others as well.
Our ladies ministry usually has a cooking day where we make and freeze meals for occasions such as this but we have not been able to do that this year and my freezer (which held all the meals) has run dry. I am looking to store up until our next cooking day.
In the past when I have tried this on my own I have been overwhelmed and quickly all the
great plans I had ran the way of the dinosaur.
This time I decided to try something a little different. For the whole week I will be making 1 or 2 meals to freeze every day. For instance today I made a Macaroni and Beef casserole. We will have one for dinner and I have three more to add to my freezer. Tomorrow I will make Beef Stew. Tomorrow night we will have Beef Stew and I am hoping enough to add three or four bags to my freezer.
Some people might think that I should just do it all together and get it over with or that I should do my beef stuff one day and my chicken stuff one day ect.. but I have tried that. I really think this will work better. By the end of this week if my calculations are right I will have at least 20 meals in my freezer.
I will let you know how it works out. :)

Be Blessed!


  1. Jeremiah and StephenieOctober 5, 2009 at 6:46 AM

    I love this idea and have thought of doing this again recently myself. I had a question about the Beef Stew. How exactly do you freeze that? Do you mix all the veggies in one bag and meat in another? Do you cook it first and then freeze? Thanks! I would love for you to share some of your freezer recipes. I'm always looking for new ones. Thanks!

  2. This is a grand idea!! I'm not sure we have the resources (i.e. FOOD) to do quite that many right now, but I'm willing to bet I could do an extra meal or two each day. That would be FABULOUS!!

    Thanks for the great idea!

  3. That's how I do it. I also use my really large crockpot to help keep the freezer stocked. Usually makes enough for us to eat at that meal plus one or two freezer meals.

    Doing a huge day of several meals would totally overwhelm me, although I bet it wouldn't be so bad if I had a group of women to do it with. Maybe I will sujest it to my church.

  4. I have 5 children as well, so I know what you mean when you say every meal is like bulk cooking!
