Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm sure I have a post in here somewhere...

with pictures and everything. I just don't know what it is.
We are at a pretty busy time in life. Sick family members. Sick car/no car. Home education discoveries that are turning my well laid plans upside down. Relying on God for everything.
My children are happily playing with their cooking stuff while the real dinner is heating up.
Peace is coming to our home through conviction.
Lots and lots of stuff I can't wait to share, but my brain is too confused right now.
And of course there is the small problem of not knowing where my download cord is at the moment. That would be helpful.

What are you up to as we near the end of July? Are you already looking to Christmas? What about to the year beyond? Are you enjoying these last lazy days of summer?

Be Blessed!


  1. Long time no talk my friend! Glad to hear you are still in there - fighting the good fight of faith! He is faithful and will take you through anything and everything. Keep looking up!

  2. I just stumbled across your blog and enjoyed reading. I could relate to your latest post, we have had sick kids recently and we have a sick car!!!

    Your profile says you are the adoptive mom to five children?? Wow, I looked at their picture, they all look so much alike! That is pretty neat.
