Thursday, November 29, 2007

He's Still Working On Me

I know I have been rather scarce around here lately. Life sometimes gets in the way. This time though it's more of a reshaping. God is definitely working on me. I remember when I first started this blog. I was hyped up on Ladies Against Feminism and all that they had to offer. I remember those times being the most productive for my family. I just read Passionate Housewives Desperate For God and I realized how far I have strayed from the path God had set me on. Not necessarily in a bad way, but enough that my whole life is affected and the lives of my family. I see some of the ladies that I was bloggy friends with back then and how far they are now and realize I could be a lot further along. I am re prioritizing around here. My blogging will be sporadic at best in the next few months. I am determined to set my feet back on the path that God showed me to begin with.
Fifteen years ago God called my husband to a career he did not want yet. Now, he is struggling as he tries to catch up to where God wanted him fifteen years ago. While I am sure he will be blessed in his obedience now, we talk sometimes about where he could be had he heeded the Lord's calling back then. Don't get me wrong. He is happy, successful and the most godly man I know. I am just saying that to say that I don't want a crisis of belief fifteen years from now. I want to stick to the path now.
I will blog about this journey as I want to be able to look back and track my "progress".
I will be weeding out things in the coming weeks that are not pointing me towards God's will for my life.
Today in my quiet time I specifically asked the Lord to change me. To mold me. To break me if he had to, so that I could be re transformed in His loving hands.
Enjoy the ride.

Be Blessed.


  1. Sweetie,
    Don't get mad at me but a point of does not "get in the way". Your life is what is important. Those beautiful children that you are doing such a great job raising, your husband who loves you greatly and is an awesome man himself, and you, a terrific friend, mother, wife, and as you pointed out a growing child of God; those are the important parts of life! OK, now that I have corrected your semantics please don't point out my obvious lack of grammar and punctuation skills. (It is hard to type one handed.)

    You remain, as always, in our prayers.

