Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Ponderings about children...

So here is something I have been thinking about lately. As I have stated before I am a follower of the Well Trained Mind method of education. In this method basically you have three stages of life.
Elementary which is the grammer stage. In this stage you memorize the facts.
Middle which is the Logic stage. Here you begin asking, "why and how?" You begin learning, "why and how?"
Highschool which is the Rhetoric stage. Here you learn how to express the "How and the why."
Im thinking this is the way it is throughout childhood.
For instance from birth to about 10 we are teaching our children about God and the Bible. We are filling their heads with "facts" from the Bible. "We do this this way because the Bible tells us so." We are constantly repeating Bible stories to them. We give them the basics of God and the Bible. We tell them about faith and try to model it for them.
At about 10 to about 14 we begin to explain more to them. More of the whys of the Bible. They begin to understand more and question more. We go in depth on what the Bible says about things and why God says things He says. We really start to discuss and study the Bible with them. We help them to have faith and to deepen their faith.
At about 14-adulthood we teach them how to answer for their belief. We teach them to always have an answer for why they believe what they believe and how to express their belief. We teach them to believe in their faith. To know God. To believe God.
Im often accused of sheltering my children. You have to let them grow up and learn. I believe that, but I also believe they are too young to answer for their faith. I think we should teach them what their faith is first. Teach them how to reason through the scriptures so that they can form their faith through God's word. Should my 6 year old who tells God how much she loves Him and believes He can do anything be called into question on the playground when someone steals her soul? Should my 9 year old, a new believer be expected to share why she believes aborition and homosexuality are wrong? Should she not at this age be ok knowing they are wrong because the Bible says so? Should my five year old who when she prays blesses every room and object in our home be asked about demons and spiritual warfare? No! Right now they should know these things exist. They should know that we believe what the Bible says about everything. They should know we are pretty literal when we read the Bible. They need to be hiding God's word in their hearts right now so that as they get older they can learn how to use God's word. The Bible is our sword in this battle. Before a soldier is sent off to war with a gun he is given training in how to use that gun. Before we send out children off to battle in this spiritual warfare we must teach them how to use the Bible and prayer! We are raising soldiers for the Lord's army, but we must train them.

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Julie. One of my closest friends homeschools their two boys and gets nagged about it all the time. People feel there is something wrong with protecting your children. The naggers feel like the children and are doing to get hurt someday, by something, so you might as well let it begin early! What???!??!!??! That is so backward and evil! Of course we should protect them, and train them up in the way they should go!

    I think you are doing a great job with your kids! I love reading about them and all you are doing. :)

