Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In the garden

My garden is doing just as poorly this year as last.. oh well. I will keep trying and keep learning. I think it was still lack of bees.
Here are some squash, zucchini and tomato plants. The tomato plants actually look a lot bigger now and I have staked them. We will see. The squash looks bad and no results.

Here you see pepper plants and my gynormous cucumber plant. The cucumber plant just keeps going and going and going. My pepper plants look beautiful but nothing. Last year they bloomed and fruited really late in the summer though so I have not given up hope yet. With all the rain we had in the past few weeks the weeds are totally out of control. I pull and pull and pull, but they just keep coming back. Here it's not so bad. Of course this picture was pre rain!

And here it is, boys and girls, my big garden bounty so far this year. Yum-O they are good!
I really believe in growing my own food so I will just keep trying. Someone suggested a humming bird feeder for the back yard so that is on my list of things to try.
I thank God for the cucumbers though. It's nice to see something for my labors. :)
Be Blessed!


  1. Congratulations! They look very good and I am sure they will taste even better than they look. Glad you are going to keep trying with the other things. connie

  2. Julie,

    I'm so proud of you! I've been too chicken thus far to actually put anything in the ground.....

    Maybe next year, at our new place, I'll just try one or two plants and we'll see what happens. I believe the current owners have a few, small, raised beds that would be perfect for a "chicken" gardener such as myself.

    Where are you again? Florida?? I guess you won't be much help to me up here in Michigan. Umm....any plans on moving north, my sister???

    Congrats on the cucumbers! How cool to eat your own produce ~ and I bet the kids eat it up~

  3. Yah,for gardens! My big suggestion for weeds...mulch! We usually put newspaper down and then straw on top of that. It works pretty well! Isn't there just something about gardening that makes you feel so connected to God?

  4. Hi, I was just perusing different blogs and found yours.....I'm going to follow you--I like what I've seen! My suggestion for your garden--thin your plants out some...my personal opinion (take it or leav it) is that there are too many plants in such a small space....If you have room I would suggest putting only the cucumbers in a space like that. I hope you don't take this as being bossy--I just thought maybe I could help!! I do commend you for branching out and trying something though!
