Monday, April 6, 2009

The Young Lady

So in a few short weeks I will be the mother to a 12 year old. It's a bit daunting. To understand that my time with her is winding down. There is still so much left to teach her. I pray daily that she will be molded into this young woman who loves God and desires nothing more than to serve Him. I look at all the short comings in my own life and notice how she tends to pick up some of my worst behaviors. I only have a short time to be a better influence on her.

She talks of marriage and babies and staying home. I pray that she truly believes those things in her heart. I pray for her future spouse. That he is right now surrounded by godly, faithful men. Men who are leading him and guiding him into true manhood. A man who loves God and wants nothing more than to serve Him is my prayer for this young man whoever he is.
We talk daily about decisions and choices and how they can help or hinder. About how habits that she forms now will be habits that she can either benefit from or will hurt her in the future.

I look at the young woman she is becoming. She had a gift card to Walmart the other day. She went straight to the toy aisle. She meandered up and down looking at baby dolls, Pet shop stuff, some dress up clothes, eventually she realized the toy aisle did not hold the same appeal it held only a few short months ago. We ended up in jewelry and clothing and shoes. Eventually she wound her way back to bedding. She found a nice fuzzy pink blanket that she claimed as her own.
She has asked for a camera for her birthday. I guess Build A Bear is out this year.
She is leaving girlhood and entering a new season. In another year she will be gifted with her very own home management notebook, full of ideas and inspiration for the daughter at home. With blank pages left to fill in her own schedules and routines and project ideas. It will be designed to grow and go with her.

She enjoys spending time in the kitchen. She loves helping out. In a few short years we look forward to releasing her to help the sick and overwhelmed for a few days at a time. She still has some maturing to do before that season. She loves to read her Bible. She enjoys talking to us about what she has read. I believe that God has something big in store for this young lady. She has been beaten down repeatedly in life but she always springs back for just one more go round. She has a warm gracious personality. I'm not sure she has ever known a stranger. Yes, God has a mighty goal for this young one. I look forward to watching it come about.
On days when she is my hardest child to parent (more and more it seems lately) I remember that God placed her here for a reason. She came to us at 8 years old. Insecure, rebellious, undisciplined, and unruly. I have seen God work a mighty work in her and I know He is not done. I am excited for this daughter of mine. Excited to see what God works out in her life. Excited to see her become a gracious, godly young woman. What a journey!
Be Blessed!


  1. Quick message: prayed for you Julie and daughter - keep your focus the Lord and He shall direct your paths.

    Laura xox

  2. My daughter will be 12 in just a couple of months and I could relate to everything you just wrote. Only difference is my daughter talks about her life in Africa on the mission field with her husband and kids and how she will home school her own children plus the villager's children. Ay yi yi! Is there a home management binder for that????

  3. I stare at my own sweet 10 month old baby girl and have similar thoughts and prayers as you. There's just something about her being my daughter that fascinates me. While my son migrates under my husband's wing, my daughter is and will be under mine. How daunting and truly wonderful it is.

  4. Your post today truly brought me to tears. What beautiful hopes, dreams, and prayers you have for your daughter. I have two girls, 4 yrs. and 7 weeks, and the thought had never occured to me to be praying for their spouses now. You truly inspire me with your words. What an amazing godly mother you are! Hope you don't mind (since we've never met!) but I think I'll keep checking in. :)

  5. Laura, thanks for the encouragement. What a blessing to have a friend like you!

    Bren, ah, the Lord knew what that I needed you. I am so thankful to know someone knows what I am dealing with everyday. I love doing posts like that for her, because some days it's just so hard. I think my daughter too will be called to the mission field. I figure I will just give her the skills I can here at home. :)

    Kate, I love reading about the ideas you have for your kids. You are a blessing to know as I know we have some of the same ideals for our daughters.

    Amanda, I have always heard to pray for your kids spouses... though I don't recall where. I am striving to be that mother.. but God has to renew me everyday. :)
