I really had every intention of doing this every week. Four weeks later I have done it...once. LOL
Anyways, here is what the gang has been up to this week. I took some pictures but nothing will download for me right now. *Sigh*
This was a short week as we took Monday off because we were out of town.
Group Time:
Bible Matthew 5:21-26 Anger, Illustrate
The kids were funny with this one. They drew pictures of being mad at each other and then asking forgivness. Nothing like real life application.
Memorize: We are almost finished with the Old Testament. We made it all the way to Nahum today.
Memorize: Our Bible verses. All of the kids finished theirs last week so we started on some new ones.
Memorize: Good and Bad Children from the Book Virtues. We started the third stanza today. Karly and Adrian can say the first two perfectly. Adrian has amazed me with his memorization abilities.
Reading: The Fisherman and His Wife from the Book of Virtues. Illustrate.
Bible Matthew 5:257-37 Marriage, Divorce, Promises, Illustrate
The kids all chose to illustrate getting married. It was cute.
Memorize: OT we are still stopping at Nahum. I think Monday I will introduce the rest of the books. By Friday we should have them all down.
Memorize: Verses. I expect to spend all of next week on these as well.
Memorize: Good and Bad Children. The third stanza will take us partway through next week. I might introduce the fourth stanza Friday. We'll see.
Read: The Magic Thread Book of Virtues. Illustrate
Math: Saxon 3 Assesment 60
Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting Book F lesson 9
Classics At Home: Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes. Vocab. Write a paragraph about moles and a paragraph about guinea pigs.
Cooking: Marmee's Kitchen Primer. Pg 16 and 17. Look over the drawings of kitchen items.
Math Saxon 3 go over concepts missed in assesment. Multiplication worksheet.
Handwriting lesson 9. Copy final draft.
Math: Saxon 3 Assesment 65
Copywork for Girls: Lesson 3 and 4
Handwriting 10 worksheet
Classics At Home: Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes. Answer comprehension questions. Copy your favorite rhyme from the poem. Illustrate your favorite rhyme from the story. Briefly explain what you liked about that part.
Cooking: pg 16 and 17 draw and label kitchen items.
Math Saxon 3 go over concepts missed in assessment 65. Division ws.
Copywork: Finish lesson 3 and 4
Handwriting lesson 10 copy final draft
Classics at Home: Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes. Read this to a younger child. Make up four sentences using vocab words.
Cooking: Pick three kitchen items and tell what you would use them for.