Thursday, September 24, 2009

New plan.

Ok, here's my new plan. I'm going to send my two older girls to the local Church of Scientology. I figure that there they can spread the love of Jesus to everyone they meet.
I'm going to let the boys eat whatever they want. Whenever they want. That will help them to learn to make good decisions.
My youngest daughter will be allowed to go out with boys. Whenever. I want to make sure she knows how to handle herself and the younger we start the better I say.

What do you think? I mean obviously I am stunting their individual personalities by not letting them do and be who they want to be. At the ages of 12, 9, 8, 6, and 3 I think I can trust them to make good choices. God will protect them even when they don't make the best choice.
I mean I'm not 100% sure what I am doing here besides cooking, cleaning, kissing boo-boos and carting them to various activities. Maybe that's what my job as a parent is supposed to look like.
I could teach them manners, cleanliness, godliness, but quiet frankly enough people have told me that when my kids leave home none of that will matter so I'm thinking I could save myself the trouble and just skip it and relax.

Or maybe, I will decide that God has given me these children for a reason. Given them to me to raise and be responsible for. Given them to me to teach them His word and His love and to love, honor and fear Him.
Maybe I will decide that they are not quiet old enough to carry the souls of the world on their shoulders so their evangelizing right now should be under our guidance and protection.
That because they have not been exposed to wisdom for more than a few years they are not so much ready to go out and be wise.
Maybe I will just keep them close by for a few more years. Teaching them God's truth. Teaching them the wisdom from the elders around them. Teaching them to put on the full armor of God and when the evil comes to stand.
Just maybe.

Be Blessed!


  1. I was a little surprized during the first couple of paragraphs "She must be kidding" I thought as I held my breath...Some people feel just the way your post began! I have heard all of that too, that they have to "experience" it all or they wont be successful.
    I was very happy at your conculsion, it is the one I usually tell those who look forward to sending their children away and are in constant struggle and opposition to their own family...God gave our children parents for a reason, they need training, love, and guidance. Their are absolutes and I intend to raise my children up to be wise and loving in Christ.

  2. I must say that I stand with Trish. I was SHOCKED NOT just a little surprised though, when I read those first paragraphs. I am so glad that is not the way it truly is. I am glad your children have such a wise Mama and one that loves them each dearly. You keep on dear lady, you are doing it right. God bless you and your family. connie

  3. I don't know you well, but I've read your blog enough to be shocked when I started reading this one. What an attention grabber.

    Great entry, you really made your point clear. :)


  4. LOVED IT!!!! Truly a masterpiece. Truly!
