Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Ok so those who read my last post probably thought I was a raving lunatic! I was soooo angry/worried/upset...whatever! Hubby had left to go on a business trip. He told me he would be there around 11pm and he left the website up for where he was staying. There was no phone number so I had to search and search. I found the one for where I thought he was staying and called around 11:30pm. The nice lady at the desk told me there was no one checked in under that name. I thought well let me call the other Days Inn down there and see if he got mixed up or if I had the wrong number. This lady answers the phone and asks to direct my call. Well I ask for my husband by first and last name which is all I usually have to do, then she says very sarcastically, "well who is that???" I said, "My husband, he might be a guest at your hotel." She said cooly, "might be?" I said, "Yes ma'am he is not at the other hotel yet so I thought I would check here." Then she proceeds to tell me he must now want to talk to me. He must be ducking me and if he was at her hotel she would not feel comfortable putting me through or even TELLING me if he was there. I needed to learn a thing or two....yada, yada, yada. Now here I am this wife worried becuase I could forsee car accident, car jacking...come on you know when our husbands head on these business trips we come up with all sorts of neat stuff! And she is just yelling at me. I hung up with her after telling her she knows nothing about my husband! Then I emailed the manager. Sure nothing will ever come of it. Thankfully, hubby called the next morning to tell me he was late getting in.
Anyways there are your ramblings of a mad woman for tonight!


  1. I am so sorry you had to deal with this woman, sweetie. I thought you were going to tell us they were a terrible, anti-family, and anti-children hotel and you gave them a piece of your mind. What happened was worse.

    I sorry!

  2. She is obviously dealing with some issues of her own! I don't understand people, I could never, never be that rude to someone. I have been rude I am sure, but not without provocation (not that that was any excuse :).

    I don't blame you for being upset! :)

  3. Thank you for your Christian blog. It's nice to come across. I hope you don't mind but I have linked you on my blog.

