Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just an update

Things are going well around the house. We are settling into a routine with Miss Lily and gearing up to start formal schooling next week. I have everything but Science and Latin.
Lily, of course, is starting her 3m growth spurt and I am trying to keep up. She fusses most of the day and I feed her most of the day. The great thing though is that she normally sleeps through the night. I'm talking almost 8 hours. I usually have to wake her up and play with her for a few minutes to get her to eat. My milk supply seems to be hanging in there. I have heard that around the 3 month growth spurt is when a lot of moms lose it.

We celebrated Tamara's ninth birthday this month. It's hard to believe that she was only 3 when she came to live here. How time flies!
I'm thinking of rearranging my house again. I sometimes get this idea and it won't leave me until I do it, so I will probably just do it. LOL
Well Lily is awake so I must go feed her.
Be Blessed!


  1. Your Lily Grace looks just like her daddy! She is beautiful!

  2. I completely agree that there is a 3 month hump to get over when breastfeeding. I experienced it with both of mine, and now I know to expect it with my third. The good news is...once you pass it, it gets a lot easier (in my opinion). Enjoy it while it lasts!!! ~Bethany

  3. Enjoy nursing your baby while it lasts! Mine are now 12 & 14... and some days I long to have them small & in my arms again. I have beautiful memories. Enjoying your blog!
