I want to make some changes to our housekeeping, but I think I will wait until after next week to start that. My problem is I try to start everything at once. It rarely works out. Right now Karly and Kelsie rotate the dishes. I really want to get Tamara and Adrian involved in that as well. They are both getting old enough. Also, because of the baby some of the children are slacking in their areas. I need to get back on top of that.
I checked out a comprehensive baking book from the library. I will be dragging the girls into the kitchen to go through it with me. It looks like a lot of fun and I think the girls will enjoy it. Starting next month sometime we will start working through the Raising Maidens of Virtue book together.
I'm looking forward to spending some time with them. With Karly turning 13 this past April I am all to aware of how quickly time is going. I want to make good memories with my girls!
Be Blessed!
Be Blessed!